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Year One         Issue IV-September            2015


1 सुंम्बहा देवी या देव
श्री एल० एम० वहल
2 Conservation status of Shri 1008 Raghvendra Ji Sarkar Divya Desh Mandir, Allahabad- A Survey Report
Dr. Ashok Pandey
3 The fish motif on Indian coins and seals
Dr. Sanjiv Trivedi
4 Condition of women before 1947 in India
Dr. Atul Kumar Shukla
5 तेरहवी से सत्रहवीं शताब्दी के मध्य पश्चिम भारत की नारी संत कवि परम्परा
डॉ० आदेश गुप्ता
6 Political parties in Modern India: Historical perspective
Dr. Anil Kumar Misra
7 Modern perspective of Mohan Das Gandhi with reference to his articles on labour, unity and swadeshi
Dr. Purushottam Singh
8 Conscious recognition of intensity of mood and the anticipated impact of that mood on behavior
Dr. Amitabh Tiwari
9 Ubang-A place in Nigeria where men and women speak difference languages
S. Tariq Ibrahim
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